Garden City Community Church Preschool
Inspired by the rich gardens of this Long Island, NY town, we worked with a dedicated group of volunteers and a local contractor to create this natural playscape. We also looked to the nearby seashore for detailing ideas (we always try to have the playscape be a mini version of the local landscape and community!)
Preschoolers here now have a deep sand pit with a kid-activated, bubbling concrete and mosaic water feature and a boat. We brought in talented timber-framers to collaborate with volunteers on a series of playhouses and lean-to’s, including two play huts that rise from the boardwalk surrounding the sand area—perfect places for mud pie creations. We sculpted hills, and added a marimba, stage, gazebo, tree tunnel, and a hill slide, all surrounded by diverse and beautiful new plantings.
A big fundraising hit was selling stepping stones that funders could have engraved with a names or a special saying or poem.
Natural Playground in Action – Garden City, NY from rusty keeler on Vimeo.