Here’s one way to do it. During a natural playscape build at Faith Childcare and Nursery School in Rochester, NY we had a big space designated as “log climbing area”. Great. But then we needed to get some logs to fill it. We put the word out to parents and sure enough: one dad  just that week had a large tree in his backyard cut down and was getting ready to have it hauled away. “We’ll take it!” There. Simple as that. Except now we had to figure out how to move it, cart it, drag it, and get it to the nursery school in one piece (or at least in a couple pieces!) After a bit of head scratching, calculating,  figuring and refiguring we were ready to try our schemes (after one dad declared, “impossible!” I knew we’d be successful.) So, with tarps, rope, a lawn tractor, duct tape, chewing gum, and some push carts from the school we coaxed the giant logs inch by inch from the back yard to the front yard where a friendly contractor would scoop them onto his truck and bring them to the playscape site. Yes!

ASK for what you need (logs!), get HELP, be CREATIVE,  and have FUN. That’s what community built is all about…

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